Infographic: The Evolution of Video Advertising

Nov 30, 2017


Where we’ve been and where we’re going

In the past decade, video advertising has changed a lot. We’ve come a long way from a simpler time when a TV spot could double as a pre-roll placement. Today, publishers are facing questions like: Are your ads click-to-play? Do they reach real humans or just bots? Are they meeting industry standards?

We created this infographic to track key milestones, future challenges, and what you can do to make the most of the video advertising world. It’s complicated out there—we’re here to help!


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Mid-2000s: The Rise of Video Advertising

Early video ads enter the market like TV spots: Publishers receive the creative directly and host it as pre-roll with little to no tracking.

2008: The Arrival of VAST

As the first standard for video advertising, this groundbreaking development from IAB ensures greater consistency across all platforms.

2009: VPAID Enters the Market

The VPAID ad standard makes interactive ads possible, but misuses in tracking increase ad latency.

2010: In-Banner Video Ads Grow in Popularity

Display ads can now host in-banner videos. Scalable, but not a great user experience.

2013: Autostart Video Launches on Facebook

Initially popular, autoplay proves to be disruptive, with publishers like Facebook, Google, and Apple opting for captioned or sound-off autoplays.

2015-Present: The Fight Against Fraud

A lack of transparency due to fraudulent ad data escalates, leading to present-day, anti-counterfeit tools like Ads.txt.

2017: Click-to-Play & Viewability

Intent to watch and strategically visible placements for players are key to improving user experience—as well as the bottom line.


Ready to make your videos profitable? Schedule time to talk with one of our video experts.

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