It’s Showtime

Nov 20, 2017


Our Showcase tool creates a turnkey video website in seconds

In the constant evolution of the video world, industry trends frequently translate into opportunity. Consider these insights:

Smartphone apps now account for more than half of the time people spend online.

A website loses 6% of its users after the first two seconds of load time…. and another 6% for every second after.

Digital video advertising revenue grew 145% on mobile and only 16% on desktop in 2016.

Taken together, these stats reveal a powerful trifecta of opportunity for improving mobile support, speed, and video monetization. We’ve focused on helping our clients capture this synergy in our latest product, JW Showcase, which enhances overall viewer experience and boosts ad revenue.

SalonTV Showcase shown in mobile responsive and desktop modes

JW Showcase is a tool that helps publishers create a beautiful, mobile-optimized video destination with only a few clicks—no coding required. Your viewers see more of your content library and are engaged longer on your site. At the same time, you capitalize on the latest video trends. Among Showcase’s powerful features:

Mobile-First – We designed JW Showcase to reflect the reality that mobile video views now surpass desktop views. JW Showcase is responsive to any screen on any device.

Fast & Flawless – Not only does it pass the Google Mobile Friendliness Test, but JW Showcase in many cases loads in as little as 800ms.

Instant Monetization – JW Showcase helps you boost ad fill rates, CPMs, and additional ad inventory.

In addition to these great benefits, JW Showcase lets you easily plug in our data-driven Recommendations to surface awesome, relevant videos and keep viewers on your site longer.

For more on how Showcase can help you show off your amazing content, talk to your account manager or visit our JW Showcase page.



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