Introducing ‘Promote’ — A Great Tool for Branded Content

Sep 15, 2017


Publishers often tell us that they want to balance the benefits of automatic curation using JW Recommendations with the option to retain editorial control. One common use case is for branded or partner content that may require a specific level of exposure. JW Platform’s tag-based business rules already provide some measure of control around the portion of the video library that recommended videos are drawn from, but sometimes more control is needed.

Now we’re introducing ‘Promote,’ a new feature of JW Recommendations that lets you easily choose specific videos or playlists to place in the first or second position of a Recommended playlist, ahead of any videos chosen by our powerful algorithms. Branded content, promotional videos, or key programming has guaranteed placement in prime impression slots even when it might not be recommended to viewers.

Activate Promote in the Recommendations section of the dashboard or via API and specify which content to feature and where it should be shown. Then the JW Recommendations engine ensures your important videos gain additional exposure for any JW Player with Recommendations in the Discover Overlay activated.

Read more about how to use JW Recommendations and Promote.

In-Video Search — Better Results With Caption Analysis

Our Search playlists are automatically upgraded for publishers who utilize captions in the JW Platform. Now our search engine includes caption files when analyzing your property’s library. Provide even better results for your viewers with in-video search and take advantage of caption location matches to build new interactive UI treatments. In-Video Search just works, and we’ll roll out examples of how to leverage it more fully in our Showcase apps later this year.


Learn about how Apartment Therapy and Refinery29 are growing their views and ad revenue using video recommendations.

Contact JW Player today to strategize about video publishing best practices that will help grow your business.