Challenges for the Modern Video Publisher

Oct 27, 2017


Insights from our networking event JW Connect

We had a blast at JW Connect this past Tuesday! We invited clients and prospects to join us for our signature evening of cocktails and conversation at New York City hotspot The VNYL. Over family-style share plates, we networked, mingled, grooved to some quick beats—and traded insights about the challenges facing publishers in the digital video world.

Industry experts, including our CEO Dave Otten and Cofounder Brian Rifkin, honed in on three key challenges that publishers need to tackle in order to succeed with video:

1) Reducing ad latency

Making sure that ads seamlessly and quickly integrate with content is critical in creating a superior user experience.

2) Increasing video viewership with quality inventory

Premium video content is difficult to produce, but the payoffs in more plays and click-throughs can be worth it.

3) Improving engagement with user trends

Leveraging data around user behavior is one of the most strategic ways to better target audiences and attract top advertisers.

Missed this event? Don’t worry, we’re taking JW Connect around the world to New York, Los Angeles, and London in 2018. Visit our events page or contact us for future dates.

Hope to see you at the next one!



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