JW Developers at Empire JS 2016

Jun 1, 2016


Last week, 10 JW Player engineers attended Empire JS to support one of our own, Donato Borrello, who spoke about “The Nitty Gritty of Video Transmuxing in JavaScript,” and learn from other thought leaders in the JavaScript community.

This year’s conference opened with the inaugural OSS night, where Rob Walch and John Bartos helped to mentor first time open source contributors on fixing bugs, adding features, writing tests, documentation, adding resources, and writing guides. The conference talks covered everything from welcoming open source communities, to transpilers, web workers, the V8 API, node.js releases, and beyond to DJing with Web MIDIs, creating visual art with JavaScript, and mapping the growth of JS conferences around the world. Stay tuned for a follow up post on video transmuxing using Media Source Extensions in JS once the conference videos are posted, but for now, you can find Donato’s slides HERE.

About JW Player’s Developer Community

Developers have been a fundamental ingredient in JW Player’s success. We’re launching a lot of exciting new products, APIs, and tools, and we want our user base to be involved. We’re fostering a community of developers, designers, video experts, & thought leaders using JW Player so we can better understand your needs and give you the information and tools you need to maximize the value of JW Player’s video technology.

You can join the JW Developer Community and follow us on Twitter @JWDevelopers to be among the first to know about beta test opportunities, new developer documentation and toolkits, developer community events, and more.