Meet JW Player at ReelSummit Next Week!

Jul 18, 2014


JW Player is getting “reel” next week at ReelSummit 2014 (yes, we’re pretty punny over here). The 2014 Reel Summit is a two-day conference for marketers and content creators who are serious about the evolution of digital video marketing. If your career or livelihood is directly affected by the success or failure of digital video initiatives, then join JW Player and hundreds of other inspiring brands, marketers, and industry thought-leaders as we converge in San Francisco from July 24th to 25th!

Don’t forget to use JW Player’s discount code “JWPLAYER” to receive a whopping 35% off of ReelSummit tickets! Get your tickets now or keep reading to find out where and when you can meet Jeroen Wijering, founder and Chief Architect of JW Player!

Our Contributions

Jeroen Wijering, the world renowned pioneer of online video and the “JW” in JW Player, will be representing our company and product at ReelSummit this year. His main speaking session will be on Innovations in Online Video Technology. You can sit back and watch as Jeroen “JW” Wijering regales the audience with his passionate views on the proliferation of HTML5 Video. He’ll focus on new innovations allowing retailers and marketers to focus beyond the video player itself to create relevant, immersive, and interactive viewing experiences. Make sure you bookmark his session and add it to your calendar!

Jeroen will also be participating on several panels, including one called “Grill the Gurus.” “Grill the Gurus” is a great opportunity for attendees to the 2014 Reel Video Summit to learn, network and share information with their peers and industry professionals. You will have a wide range of industry topics and tables to choose from and can sit down in a low-key, small group setting and enjoy relaxed conversation while engaging in thought-provoking discussions on any of the relevant and valuable topics. If you ever wanted a chance to get up close and personal with a legend of online video, this is it!

We hope to see you all at ReelSummit this year. Remember, you get a 35% discount on tickets just for being a part of the JW Player family.

As for the guy who shook Jeroen’s hand last year at ReelSummit and said he would never wash it again … we’ll be on the lookout for you…