Introducing Our Brand New Support Site!

May 12, 2014


We’re pleased to announce the launch of our new support site! features lots of cool new tools to assist with your questions and troubleshooting. Let’s take a quick tour and go over some of the more interesting changes:

1) Integrated Article/Question & Answer Search

Previously, when searching through our help articles, community questions were separate. On our new support site, both are now integrated into a single searchable repository. If your question has been already been answered by another user, we make it much easier to find. To make sure we don’t miss a beat, many of our previous forum threads have made the trip over to, making our entire prior knowledge base searchable as well.

2) Improved FAQ

We’ve added a new section related to non-technical issues. Billing, payment, and licensing questions can now be answered by visiting our FAQ page.

3) Better feedback

Read an article, but still confused? Think we need to clarify something a bit more? Let us know! We’ve implemented feedback at the bottom of our content for you to let us know how best to improve our content.

4) More API Examples

We’ve updated many of our prior examples with new features and popular implementations. For example, we now have demos for Google Analytics, a responsive lightbox, and customized livestream error messages.

5) Improved organization

All of our player, advertising, and platform information is now centrally located and linked together, so searching across all of this information has never been easier!

We will continue to iteratively improve the support site, and your feedback and insight will help drive this forward to make information easier to find, use, and understand. Please take a look and let us know what you think!